Love Never Fails: CHD Awareness Week

February 08, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

We all know that February is all about love and hearts!  Stores are decorated in red and pink, hearts are everywhere, and love is in the air! :)  Up until 2007, the only hearts I thought about in February were the candy and chocolate ones!  That all changed on 9/11/07 when my precious baby girl, London, entered this world with half of her heart  She had a severe congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  London's precious little heart was severely underdeveloped and could not pump blood throughout her body.  When she was two days old, she underwent major open-heart surgery to help her heart work in a "normal" way.  Unfortunately, there were complications during surgery, and our precious London did not survive.  

Our hearts were shattered into a million pieces.  Although it has been 10 years already, I am still picking up the pieces.  In fact, I don't think I will ever stop picking up the pieces.  London left her mark on her mommy's heart, and because of that, it is my mission to honor her in every part of my life.  It's my mission to bring awareness to Congenital Heart Defects and to share my story and London's story! 

That is why London's Bridge Photography even exists...and that is why I am choosing to raise awareness and funds for CHD Awareness Week.  To honor London and all babies and children with CHD's, I am choosing to sell one of my images with a simple scripture on it: Love Never Fails. ~1 Corinthians 13:8

This picture is so special to me in many ways.  First of all, my mom gave us this beautiful plant in honor of London.  It's called a "Bleeding Heart" , and it is truly a testament of God's hand being in the details.  The flowers of this plant are perfect little hearts...and the prettiest pink you'll ever see.  They are delicate and perfect.  They bloom for just a little while, and then they're gone until next year.  I always look forward to seeing the first of many little pink heart blooms.  It's like God reminds me, "Ashlee, I'm taking good care of her.  I promise." :)  

This plant reminds me of London, of course, but it also reminds me that God is always there.  His love never fails, even when this life doesn't go as planned.  His love never fails, even when people do.  It reminds me that my love for London never fails and will be as strong the day I die as the first moment I held her in my arms.  Love Never Fails. 

I am selling four print sizes, and ALL PROFITS DURING CHD AWARENESS WEEK (Feb.7-Feb.14) WILL BE DONATED to the Children's Heart Foundation!  Every print will be of the highest quality and mounted for durability and longevity.  I hope & pray that you will support this cause and proudly display this beautiful image in your home, on your desk, or give it as a gift...and always remember that HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS!

Sizes & Prices are as follows:

                                                                          4x6         $12

                                                                          5x7         $16

                                                                          8x10       $20

                                                                          11x14     $40


To order yours, simply click the PayPal button below.  If you are in the Elizabethtown, KY area, I will deliver the print to you.  If you are out of town, I will mail it to you!  Prints will be ordered & delivered after Feb. 14.

I can't thank you enough for your support!! 



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